The Absence of Literature in the Home May Lead to Poor Reading 2013


Reading is a necessary tool that enables individuals to learn near the exterior globe. The ability to read gives students a foundation for all types of study. It is likewise a bones skill that allows individuals to survive and develop (Smith et al., 2000). The ability to comprehend written text is a form of knowledge that integrates various complex skills (Torgesen, 2000).

The family investment model (see Figure one) argues that parents with a college socio-economic position are willing to invest more amore in their children. Such investments involve several different dimensions of family back up, including: (a) learning materials available in the home; (b) parent stimulation of learning, both directly and by supporting advanced or specialized tutoring or training; (c) the family's standard of living (adequate food, housing, clothing, medical care); and (d) residing in a location that helps the child develop competencies (Conger and Donnellan, 2007). These factors are probable to have a positive effect on the child'due south academic functioning and reading ability (Davis-Kean, 2005; Sohr-Preston et al., 2013).

Figure i. The family investment model.

In accordance with the family investment model, some studies have institute that the family unit environs is one of the factors that affects children'southward reading ability (Noble et al., 2006). First, SES is a strong predictive factor for children'due south reading ability, and a correlation betwixt high SES and a high reading level in feel related to children'due south reading (Noble et al., 2006). Children'due south development of language and literacy abilities and the scores in lower SES families are lower than those in high SES families (Leseman and De Jong, 1998). For instance, compared with children in loftier SES families, children whose performances are lower in phonological awareness, letter naming, discussion writing, word recognition, receptive vocabulary and grammar etc. aspects (Aram and Levin, 2001). Besides, interactive dialogues in a shared-book reading process which is guided by the primary caregiver (mostly, this is a role played by the female parent) could enhance children's early language and literacy skills, and promote children's reading scores (Read et al., 2014). From a social constructivist view, children not only study the statements of books, they also acquire from their advice with adults, language support from adults, and reading scaffolding during shared-book reading (Fletcher and Reese, 2005). Children positively construct their own noesis system through discussion or raising questions during their reading procedure (Van Kleeck et al., 2015), and this process can not just improve children's literacy ability; it can also promote their social and emotional development. Second, (Briggs and Elkind, 1977) accept suggested that the social position of parents may touch on their children'southward reading power. Differences in children's reading ability are oft attributed to disparities in parents' levels of pedagogy (Scarborough and Dobrich, 1994). Moreover, researchers have institute that parents who read with their children have an important impact on the development of their children'southward speech and reading ability (Morrow and Smith, 1990). Children'southward reading ability improves when their parents take role in reading activities (Whitehurst et al., 1994). Silinskas et al. (2012) has shown that the frequency of parental involvement in early childhood reading is positively related to children'due south reading ability; parental companionship in reading also fosters early reading power. Relevant research has shown that, even when parents do not guide the formal reading or writing of immature children, children who read with their parents and scribble graffiti at home start reading and writing very early. These activities foster children'south ability to recognize the characters effectually them, leading to an interest in reading (Deng et al., 2015). Furthermore, a study of Chinese children has revealed that parental approaches to advice are another crucial element, affecting the development of children's speech. Information technology is very beneficial for parents to join in with children's activities, answer to their spoken communication, and stimulate them to speak, for example by explaining television receiver programs or telling bedtime stories (Li, 2010). Information technology has been confirmed that the way parents deport when interacting with and bringing up their children significantly affects the development of children'due south speech communication (Hoff, 2003).

Hoover and Gough (1990) proposed that simple reading view, which simplified the concept of reading as encoding and understanding, Encoding ways word reading, which refers to the process of agreement bones word during reading. While reading is text reading, which refers to the understanding for the whole text construct and significant based on understanding basic discussion during reading process. In the process of reading, understanding relays on basic encoding process, while the better encoding power cannot nowadays the power of understanding is besides good, considering readers already had ability of understanding word, only they may lack ability of understanding whole text based on understanding word. Understanding is the main purpose of reading, many studies focused on effect of parent-child interaction on individuals' ability of encoding (Morrow and Smith, 1990; Scarborough and Dobrich, 1994; Hoff, 2003; Van Kleeck et al., 2015). In fact, parent-kid interaction non only affects individuals' encoding ability of vocabulary, too affects ability of reading comprehension. Reading comprehension ability is a constructive thinking process, which not just includes an agreement of precious meaning, it also includes an understanding of implicit meaning. Reading comprehension ability includes understanding, application, analysis, annotate and imagination, which means that various complex skills are integrated to result in the effect (Torgesen, 2000). Anthony (2008) explored the extent of maternal responsiveness (descriptions, play, imitations) of infants (6, 12, and 24 months)and children in pre-school(3 and iv years) and the predictive effect of children'southward cognitive skills on children's (anile 8) encoding and reading comprehension ability through a longitudinal written report method. Results suggested that the extent of maternal responsiveness and children's cognitive ability could non predict children's (aged eight) encoding ability, regardless of whether they are term or preterm, while the extent of maternal responsiveness and children'south (aged four) cerebral power could predict children'south (aged viii) reading comprehension ability. Compared with children who demonstrate lower cognitive ability, in that location is a stiff relation between responsive parents and later reading comprehension ability. Studies had found that the responsiveness of the mother tin significantly predict children' spoken language development (Nicely et al., 1999); meanwhile, children's spoken language and reading comprehension abilities had a shut relation (Catts and Weismer, 2006). Buil-Legaz et al. (2016) plant that children'due south (aged 8) oral comprehension power could markedly predict their performances on three tasks related to reading comprehension: a grammatical structures chore, a judgement comprehension job and a text comprehension task.

In Prc, as urbanization has accelerated and a massive labor force has transferred to central areas, the population has declined sharply and a large number of children accept been left behind in rural areas. Considering ane or both of their parents earn money in the city, the children, known every bit "left-behind children" (LBCs) are left in rural areas (Luo et al., 2009; Zhao and Shen, 2010). This concept was first introduced in the 1990s, referring to parents who went abroad to piece of work or written report, leaving their children to be cared for by a domestic worker (Kendrick and Marsh, 1997). This miracle has been prevalent in various parts of the world, including Nippon (Carandang et al., 2007), the Philippines, (Reyes, 2007) and United mexican states (Reyes, 2007; Tarroja and Fernando, 2013).

Compared with parented children, left-behind children rarely communicate with their parents, who are away for long periods of time. The linguistic communication environment is monotonous, it is difficult to satisfy both the parents' and the children's advice needs through telephone conversations alone. In add-on, absent parents seldom read with their children, which is likely to affect the development of the children's reading comprehension ability. However, no studies have focused on the effect of parental absenteeism on the reading comprehension ability of children who have been left backside. The present study therefore explores the consequence of parental absence on reading comprehension ability.

As mentioned to a higher place, several studies have found that the interaction betwixt parents and children tin impact the development of children'south speech and reading. In addition, mothers play a crucial role in children's speech evolution (Tamis-Lemonda et al., 2001). The shared-book reading guided by the primary caregiver (usually the mother) has enhanced children'south early linguistic communication and literacy skills in the interactive conversation, which tin can promote children'due south reading performance (Read et al., 2014). Studies showed that if children were in a responsive affective-emotional climate, namely mother gave children warm, positive emotional supporting, and responded positively to children'due south questions during reading, then they would focus more on books, had a more positive reading experience, and actively cooperated with the mother'due south requirements, and finally these children read more frequently. The active participation of children in reading is more probable to promote early childhood language and literacy evolution than simply reading texts, while the praise and passion of the mother encourages children to participate in language expression in parent-child reading (Leseman and De Jong, 1998; Britto and Jeanne, 2006; Duursma, 2016). One study shows that the absenteeism of ane or both parents can have varying furnishings on children's academic functioning, compared to an absent father, an absent mother has a much more significant impact on children's academic performance (Fu et al., 2017). Nosotros therefore hypothesize that: (i) the reading comprehension power of left-backside children is worse than that of parented children because the left-behind children are missing i or both parents for a long catamenia of fourth dimension; (2) an absent mother has a greater impact than an absent-minded male parent on children's reading comprehension ability.



In this study, nosotros selected a total of 903 children in grades 1–6 (see Table one), from the basic instruction plan of OxfamHongkong education founding, the intervention written report of left-behind children's reading in rural, impoverished areas in Gansu province, and v primary schools in the aforementioned rural area in Longxi county in Gansu province. The data provided past the local education section showed that left-backside children comprised over 50% of the student population in these v schools. In improver, the 5 schools in this study are village primary schools, and the teachers have an equivalent educational groundwork and communicate with each other regarding their didactics process, arroyo to student questions, and ensure consistency in teaching content, educatee progress, and methods, based on the requirements of the local educational section. The grouping included 436 parented children (204 girls, 46.79%; 232 boys, 53.21%) and 467 left-behind children (235 girls, 50.32%; 232 boys, 49.68%). Of the left-behind children, 62 had absent mothers and were cared for past their fathers, 277 had absent-minded fathers and were cared for by their mothers, and 128 had two absent-minded parents. The intelligence of 4 groups of children was assessed and found to be normal, based on teachers' reports; nosotros did non detect any instances of an intelligence defect or disorder among the study participants (for details, see Appendix).

Table one. Parents' absenteeism in each grade.

There was no meaning difference in sex activity distribution betwixt the left-behind and parented children, χtwo (ane) = 1.13, p = 0.29. The main upshot of the 4 groups' age is not meaning, F (3, 899) = 1.496, p = 0.214. We also fail to find meaning differences between children's age with an absent mother (M =, SD = 1.52) an absent father (M = 9.93, SD = 1.72), between parents absenteeism (One thousand = 9.97, SD = ane.twoscore) and not-left-backside children (M = 10.04, SD = 1.46).

Participation in the study was entirely voluntary. Written informed consent was obtained from the children'due south parents before the children were enrolled in our study. This written report has been reviewed and approved by the scientific and research Ethical Committee of the Schoolhouse of Psychology, Northwest Normal University.

Research Tools

Basic Family Situation Survey

This survey provided information on the demographic status of the children, including their age, grade, gender and parental level of didactics (fathers' and mothers' educational attainment), family unit possessions, and siblings. The following question was used to ask participants about the location of their parents: In the past 6 months, accept you been living with your parents?

A. I have been living with both my mom and dad;

B. I have been living with my mom, while my dad is away from home;

C. I have been living with my dad, while my mom is abroad from home;

D. My mom and dad don't live with me.

Participants answered this question to determine their condition equally parented children (both parents at habitation), children with an absent-minded father (female parent at home, father away), children with an absent mother (mother abroad, begetter at dwelling), or children with both parents away.

Reading Condition Questionnaire

This questionnaire was used to assess the number of children's books in the home, extracurricular reading hours, and reading interests. The reading interest questionnaire drew on a study by Hidi (2001), who examined students' perceived interest in reading activities and reading objects. The questionnaire had a total of 8 questions, rated using a v-bespeak Likert scale. In the present study, the internal consistency coefficient for this set of scales was 0.74.

Reading Comprehension Examination

The Chinese scholar Wen (2005) designed a primary schoolhouse Chinese reading comprehension ability test, divided into three sections for the lower, middle, and senior grades; each scale consists of four short essays. Students in grades 1–2 used the lower-grade scale, answering 32 questions afterward each essay; students in grades three–4 used the eye-class calibration, with 48 questions; students in grades 5–half-dozen used the upper-grade scale, with 52 questions. The three test questions covered eight dimensions, including micro-level reading comprehension (agreement words, phrases, context, and coherence), macro-level reading comprehension (understanding chapter layout, the author's writing intention and expressive techniques, important information, corollaries of potential data, the organization and construction of information overall, and reading-level evaluation (evaluation and appreciation). The tool had skillful reliability and validity (Wen, 2005). In the present report, the internal consistency coefficient for this set of scales was 0.86 for grades i–2, 0.72 for grades 3–4, and 0.67 for grades 5–6.

Inquiry Process

In this written report, the tests were conducted in classes of approximately 30 students. The survey was administered by trained experimenters and ii–3 teachers every bit administration and the assessment administered by the whole class in this study.

Research Results

First, an independent sample t-examination was carried out to make up one's mind the reading comprehension scores of parented children (M = nineteen.33, SD = vii.75) and left-behind (Yard = eighteen.29, SD = 7.69) The scores of left-backside children were significantly lower than those of parented children, t (901) = −two.03, p = 0.04, d = 0.13.

Second, an analysis of covariance was used to farther explore the impact of unlike types of parental absence on the reading comprehension of left-behind and parented children. When we controlled for the following variables—the mother's educational level, the begetter'due south educational level, family volume buying, and daily reading fourth dimension and interest—the slope of these variables was homogeneous. The prove suggests that the main effect of the father's education level is not pregnant, F (1, 833) = 0.010, p = 0.921, η2 = 0.001; the master consequence of the mother'south instruction level is non significant, F (1, 833) = 0.131, p = 0.717, η2 = 0.001; the main outcome of the household collection of books is non significant, F (i, 833) = one.64, p = 0.685, η2 = 0.001; the main effect of outside reading time is non significant, F (1, 833) = 0.002, p = 0.961, ηii = 0.001; and the principal effect of reading interest is as well not significant, F (1, 833) = 1.555, p = 0.213, η2 = 0.002; the main issue of parental absenteeism was significant, F (3, 833) = 3.057, p = 0.028, η2 = 0.01(come across Figure 2). A further assay suggested that the reading comprehension scores of parented children (Chiliad = 19.33, SD = 7.52) were significantly college than those of children with absent mothers (M = 17.x, SD = 7.64) or absent-minded parents (M = 17.43, SD = vii.53), p s < 0.05 , d = 0.29, d = 0.25. There were no significant differences between parented children (M = nineteen.33, SD = vii.52) and children with absent fathers (G = eighteen.95, SD = vii.73), when information technology came to reading comprehension, p > 0.05, d = 0.05. In that location were no significant reading comprehension differences between children with absent mothers (Thou = 17.10, SD = 7.73) and those with absent parents (M = 17.43, SD = 7.53), p > 0.05, d = 0.02.

Figure 2. The reading comprehension scores of children with absent mothers, absent fathers, and absent-minded parents as well equally parented children.

In addition, the interaction between parental absence and covariates was tested within the ANOVA-based models, the results evidence that the interaction between parental absence and father's educational activity level were not pregnant, F (four, 882) = 0.555, p = 0.695, η2 = 0.003; the interaction between parental absence and mother'southward education level were non pregnant, F (iv, 882) = 0.162, p = 0.958, ηtwo = 0.001; the interaction between parental absenteeism and family book buying were not significant, F (four, 882) = 0.620, p = 0.648, ηtwo = 0.003; the interaction between parental absence and daily reading time were non pregnant, F (iv, 882) = ane.342, p = 0.253, η2 = 0.006; the interaction betwixt parental absence and reading involvement were not significant, F(four,882) = i.620, p = 0.167, η2 = 0.007.

A final analysis of covariance showed that the slopes were the aforementioned when the mother's educational level, begetter'due south educational level, family book collection, and daily reading time and interests were used as control variables. The viii dimensions of reading comprehension—understanding context, coherent reasoning, understanding the layout of the text, the writer's writing intention, grasping key data, inferring potential information, organizing and amalgam overall information, and evaluating and appreciating the text—were used to further analyze differences in the reading comprehension ability of parented and left-behind children. The results are shown below, in Table 2.

Table ii. The principal effect of dimensionalities on parental absenteeism condition in the reading comprehension ability.

The results reveal no significant differences related to parental absence in the two dimensions of microcosmic reading comprehension, F (3, 894) = 1.66, F (iii, 894) = 0.171, p S > 0.05. Parental absence had a significant impact on structural reading, within macroscopic reading comprehension, F (3, 894) = 4.79, p < 0.05, ηii = 0.02. Parental absence did not accept a significant touch on on informational reading, inside macroscopic reading comprehension. This set of skills included grasping fundamental information, F (3, 894) = 0.739, p > 0.05, η2 = 0.02; the corollary of potential information, F (3, 894) = 1.895, p > 0.05, ηtwo = 0.006; and organizing and constructing overall data, F (3, 894) = 1.178, p > 0.05, η2 = 0.004. On the evaluation reading level, the main effect was significant, F (three, 894) = ii.six, p = 0.051, ηii = 0.009.

Furthermore, the chief effect of the three major dimensions (understanding chapter layout, the writer'southward writing intention and expressive technique, evaluation and appreciation) was pregnant, as Figures 3–5 make clear.

Figure 3. The scores of children with absent mothers, absent fathers, absent parents, and both parents present for comprehending the layout of a chapter.

Figure iii shows that parented children received significantly college scores for agreement chapter layout (One thousand = i.91, SD = 1.29) than children with absent-minded mothers (M = 1.42, SD = 1.eleven) or absent parents (M = 1.56, SD = one.21), p s < 0.05,d = 0.41, d = 0.28. In that location were no meaning differences betwixt parented children (M = ane.93, SD = 1.52) and children with absent fathers (M = one.73, SD = 1.23), p > 0.05, d = 0.fourteen. when it came to understanding the layout of capacity. In that location were also no meaning differences between children with absent mothers (M = 1.42, SD = i.11) and children with absent-minded parents at that level (K = 1.56, SD = 1.21), p > 0.05, d = 0.12.

Effigy iv shows that the scores of parented children (Grand = 2.51, SD = ane.74) were significantly high than those of children with absent parents (M = 2.07, SD = 1.61) when it came to agreement the author'southward writing intention and expressive technique, p < 0.05, d = 0.26. At that place was no pregnant difference between the scores of parented children (M = two.51, SD = 1.74) and children with absent mothers (Thou = 2.27, SD = 1.69) when it came to the writer's writing intention and expressive technique, p > 0.05, d = 0.fourteen. At that place was likewise no significant difference between the scores of parented children (M = 2.52, SD = 1.74) children with absent fathers (K = 2.51, SD = ane.78), p > 0.05, d = 0.01. In this range of competencies, there were no significant differences between children with absent-minded mothers (M = 2.27, SD = 1.69) and those with absent parents (K = 2.07, SD = 1.61), p > 0.05, d = 0.06.

Figure 4. The ability to understand an writer's writing intention and expressive technique amid children with absent-minded mothers, absent fathers, absent-minded parents, and both parents present.

Figure 5 reveals that the differences betwixt the evaluation and appreciation scores of parented children (M = 2.24, SD = 1.57) and those with absent mothers (Grand = i.95, SD = 1.57) were marginally pregnant, p = 0.06, d = 0.18. The scores of parented children (M = 2.24, SD = 1.57) were college than those of children with absent mothers (M = 1.99, SD = 1.47), p < 0.05, d = 0.sixteen. In the area of evaluation and appreciation, at that place were no significant differences between parented children (One thousand = 2.24, SD = i.57) and those with absent fathers (1000 = 2.26, SD = 1.49), P > 0.05, d = 0.01. In that location were no pregnant differences between children with missing mothers (Yard = 1.95, SD = 1.57) and those with missing parents (G = i.99, SD = 1.47), p > 0.05, d = 0.03.

Figure 5. The scores of children with absent mothers, absent fathers, absent parents, and both parents present in relation to evaluation and appreciation.


Children in grades one–six grade in rural primary schools participated in the present study. We used the Reading Comprehension Examination (Wen, 2005) to evaluate the reading comprehension of left-backside children, including those with missing mothers, fathers, and parents; the aim of this written report was to explore the result of parental absence on children's reading comprehension ability.

Afterwards controlling for gender, the educational level of parents, and reading investment and involvement variables, the effect suggested that left-behind children had much lower scores for reading comprehension power than parented children. First of all, the family economic levels of left-backside children is lower than not-left-behind children, which may cause different reading ideas, which farther bear on children's reading comprehension ability. For instance, low-income and low-educated parents consider that the purpose of reading is about to become literate and acquire knowledge, on the contrary, loftier-educated mothers pay more than attention to children's caste of interest in reading, considering they believe that it is more worthy of paying attention to children'due south degree of involvement in reading and dialogue with adults, and the latter means deep understanding of texts (Justice, 2008). Compared with middle-class mothers, low-income mothers requite children more instructions in the reading process, and there are few instructive behaviors for children, their conversations and discussion of topics in reading process are very rare (Ninio, 1980). Moreover, loftier SES mothers are more detailed and affirmative near a topic, while low SES mothers atomic number 82 less talk, and often talk about multiple topics in a conversation with their children, which means that high SES mothers tin talk about a topic more than deep, while the guidance of low SES mothers is more casual and shallow (Hoff, 2003; Lai, 2010), which accept negative touch on the evolution of children's reading comprehension.

Our issue proved that parental absence had an impact on children'southward reading comprehension power. This conclusion was in line with previous studies, 1 of which found that parents who took part in their children'southward academic activities could produce a distinct consequence on the children's academic performance (Jeynes, 2015). In pre-school, parents besides played an important role, at the stage when the children'southward oral linguistic communication was beingness transferred to written linguistic communication (Laakso et al., 2004; Aram and Levin, 2011). Parents and children reading together could promote the development of children's literacy (Whitehurst et al., 1994; Sénéchal et al., 1996, 1998; Frijters et al., 2000). In addition, parent-kid reading is a blueprint; when parents and children are encouraged to read together and children are invited to immerse themselves in storytelling, children's reading motivation is strengthened (Topping, 1987). Left-behind children lacked constructive supervision, encouragement, and interaction with parents; every bit a event, their reading comprehension ability was weaker than that of parented children.

Moreover, our study constitute that left-behind children with absent mothers or parents had the lowest scores, while parented children and those with absent fathers had very similar scores. It is clear that an absent-minded female parent has a more of import bear upon on children's reading. In other words, the mother is a pivotal function of the evolution of children'southward reading comprehension ability. This event was besides consistent with previous studies. Mostly, mothers participate more in their children'south teaching than fathers do (Kim and Loma, 2015). Mothers with an intimate approach and positive attitude can significantly help their children by participating in their education and upbringing (Parke, 2002; Lareau, 2003; Lamb, 2010). Other studies have shown that this approach benefits children'southward academic evolution (Levin et al., 1997; Rogers et al., 2009). It is clear that mothers play an of import part in their children'southward didactics, when they get involved with their children'due south daily lives and educational activities. Especially during the primary school years, female parent can become directly involved in their children's education, for example, by helping their children finish homework, and joining in school activities (Parke, 2002; Lamb, 2010). Furthermore, the attachment betwixt mother and kid has an bear on on children's interest in reading. Bus and van Ijzendoorn (1988) conducted a report on the human relationship between the quality of parent-child zipper and reading skills and interests among pre-school children. They found that children with a safe attachment human relationship needed less grooming and fewer rules, read more than easily, and were less distracted and upset than children with an unsafe zipper pattern. If children with normal intelligence had an dangerous zipper to their mothers, reading would be delayed. By contrast, in a safe attachment pattern, the female parent would guide the child's reading and spend more than time reading to the kid. This is a fundamental reason for the touch of maternal absence on children'south reading comprehension ability.

Another important finding was that maternal absence had a much more than significant impact on children's reading comprehension ability in the advanced levels. According to Kintsch (1988, 1998) and Wen (2005), text comprehension is a "bottom-upward" activity, from microcosmic article reading comprehension to macroscopic article reading comprehension and appreciative reading. Nosotros did not find a significant divergence betwixt parented children and left-backside children with 1 or ii absent parents when information technology came to microcosmic article reading comprehension. In the assessment of macroscopic commodity reading comprehension (understanding writing structure, and the author's writing intention and expressive technique), the scores were much lower in children with absent parents and mothers, than in parented children. In appreciative reading, children with absent-minded parents had much worse scores than parented children.

Heath (1982) plant that mothers used 3 approaches to asking questions when reading with children. The showtime approach involved "what-explaining:" asking basic reading comprehension questions to assistance the child understand an consequence or the main concept in a story. The second approach involved "reason-explaining:" asking the child to explain why an issue might have happened or why a protagonist would engage in item behaviors. These questions tin can help the child understand causality in a story. The 3rd approach involved "affective comments:" the mother asked the child to comment on detail figures or events, and to say whether the characters' behavior was correct or wrong, clever or foolish. In addition, Minami (1999) has identified 3 patterns for mothers and children reading moving picture books together: (1) the "fill the blank: design—depending on the content of the story, the mother would ask some questions and await the child tell her answers. (2) The three-step pattern—the mother volition introduce a topic using questions; the child responds; finally, the mother provides feedback. This pattern is a typical classroom interaction model. (iii) This pattern is a modified version of the trigger-response-comment blueprint. Commencement of all, the female parent asks some questions about one topic, followed by the child's response. The female parent so gives feedback. These studies have also suggested that the mother-kid interaction model and strategy could touch on children's advanced reading comprehension ability, including the power to sympathize the structure of writing, such as the genre of an article, the thread of an argument, and the layers of structure. Comment and appreciation mainly related to the article'south grade of language and content viewpoint. Importantly, the present written report has found that the effect of maternal absence on children'southward reading most seriously affects children of advanced reading comprehension ability.

Limitations and Future Directions

To farther decide the relation betwixt parental absenteeism and poor reading comprehension, more than strict control for irrelevant variables is needed. In this study, we tried to ensure that each group was matched in terms of domestic economy income, parents' education levels, family collection of books, reading time each day and reading interests, etc., just we did not bear strict matching for parenting styles, present stresses and mental wellness to ensure that this written report had optimal ecological validity; future studies could implement measures that maintain stricter control over irrelevant variables to strengthen the reliability of the study.

Additionally, we did not determine the features of development for the event of parents' absence on children's reading comprehension; for example, the age at which parental absence has a more meaning effect on reading comprehension ability and the extent to which school education tin make up for the effect of a parent's absenteeism on children'south reading comprehension ability are both nevertheless unknown. Futurity studies should further expand sample size to explore this question from a developmental view.

Farther, nosotros mainly explored the issue of parental absence on children'southward reading comprehension ability, and results suggested that parental absence likely affects children's advanced reading comprehension ability, simply the specific ways in which parental absenteeism influences children's advanced reading comprehension ability, whether parental absence affects some literacy-related skills such that children's advanced reading comprehension is indirectly influenced, and whether in that location are moderating variables such as reading fabric types, are all questions that need further exploration and investigation.

Implications for Education

Compared with non-left-behind-children, left-behind-children had depression levels of ability with regard to reading comprehension, which predominantly showed in children whose mother was absent, considering mothers spend more time interacting with their children, undertake more tasks related to raising children, and are by and large the main back up for shared-book reading. The absence of the mother causes a decrease in the likelihood or instances of parent-child reading, resulting in a decrease in children's performance in advanced reading comprehension tasks.

There are several implications from the results of this study that take applied applications. Showtime, the female parent plays a crucial role in the evolution of children's reading comprehension ability. For left-backside children with lower SES, although poverty posed a threat to their development, its negative event is minimized from textile restriction if their parents successfully provide a stable environment which is benign to their emotional and cerebral development. In this study, at that place were no significant differences between left-backside children with an absent-minded father and non-left-backside children with higher SES, which supports the above view. In addition, every bit mothers are the most important source of support during children's growth and development, they should avoid being absent, and they may devise other approaches to maintain parent-child communication and reading together, fifty-fifty though they cannot be nowadays with their children. For example, they tin can communicate with their children and give reading guidance to their children via the Internet and they tin can provide positive responses to their children'south questions online, which is beneficial for their child's reading experience and reading comprehension power may be improved when children positively cooperative with their mothers' requirements. Besides, the effect of the mother on children's reading comprehension ability was primarily evident on the advanced reading comprehension level; the female parent should larn more most effective guidance methods related to shared-book reading and train their children to use dialogue or an interaction model during shared-book reading. For instance, expanding children'southward language expression through open questions and pattern, paying attending to their comprehension of the story plot in books, connecting the story with the children's experience, and encouraging children to communicate without context will meliorate children'southward reasoning, prediction, and conversational abilities. Moreover, school is a place where children acquire pedagogy, and teachers also play important roles in children's development; teachers should focus on the consequence of SES on children's development in school, and straight provide left-behind children with educational measures and a customized education projection as a form of intervention, while likewise focusing on their study and reading participation to further reduce the risk of a reading disorder in left-behind children, especially in those children whose female parent is absent.


Parental absence affects children's reading comprehension ability. An absent mother has a more pregnant impact than an absent father, as principally reflected in children with avant-garde reading comprehension ability.

Author Contributions

MX: written report design; DW: information collection and analysis; ZA: training of the manuscript.


This piece of work was supported past grants to MX by the National Natural Science Foundation of Mainland china (31860282) and the Didactics of Humanities and Social Scientific discipline Enquiry on Youth Fund Projection (15YJC190015).

Conflict of Involvement Statement

The authors declare that the enquiry was conducted in the absence of whatsoever commercial or financial relationships that could be construed equally a potential disharmonize of interest.


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Table A1. The education level of father of the participants in four groups.

Table A2. The education level of female parent of the participants in four groups.

Table A3. The collection of books in four groups of participants' family.

Table A4. Extra-curricular reading time of four groups' participants (in everyday).

Tabular array A5. Reading interests of four groups' participants.


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